DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) adalah sebuah lembaga dari Amerika Serikat. Departemen Pertahanan bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan teknologi baru untuk digunakan oleh militer. DARPA telah bertanggung jawab untuk pendanaan pengembangan dari banyak teknologi yang memiliki pengaruh besar pada dunia, termasuk jaringan komputer, serta NLS, yang baik yang pertama hypertext sistem, dan prekursor penting untuk antarmuka pengguna grafis kontemporer di mana-mana.
Saat ini DARPA mengadakan kontes dengan hadiah total $50.000 dengan cara memecahkan puzzle yang diberikan oleh team mereka. Salah satu contoh puzzlenya antara lain :
kontes yang diadakan sebagai berikut :
Welcome to DARPA's Shredder Challenge!
Today’s troops often confiscate the remnants of destroyed documents in war zones, but reconstructing them is a daunting task. DARPA’s Shredder Challenge calls upon computer scientists, puzzle enthusiasts and anyone else who likes solving complex problems to compete for up to $50,000 by piecing together a series of shredded documents.
The goal is to identify and assess potential capabilities that could be used by our warfighters operating in war zones, but might also create vulnerabilities to sensitive information that is protected through our own shredding practices throughout the U.S. national security community.
Do you have the skills to reconstruct shredded documents and solve the puzzle?
Can you form a team to help solve the complex physical and analytical problems associated with document reconstruction?
If so, register today for a chance to win $50,000!
The Shredder Challenge is comprised of five separate puzzles in which the number of documents, the document subject matter and the method of shredding will be varied to present challenges of increasing difficulty. To complete each problem, participants must provide the answer to a puzzle embedded in the content of the reconstructed document.
The overall prizewinner and prize awarded will depend on the number and difficulty of the problems solved. DARPA will release the challenge problems on October 27, 2011 at 12:00 PM Eastern and announce a winner the week of December 5, 2011 once final results are calculated.
kalau anda ingin mencoba, tidak ada salahnya untuk mendaftar di :
website DARPA : http://www.darpa.mil/
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